Ġbejna friendly wines

October 15, 2016By Georges MeekersGastronomy, Malta

Ġbejna, the cheeselet of the Maltese Islands, traditionally made from sheep or goat milk, salt and rennet, is staple diet in Malta and Gozo. However, because of its special personality, it’s often left unpaired with a nice glass of wine. But if the great Italian and French cheeses go so well with their native wines, … Read More

Wine Study Aid

October 2, 2016By Georges MeekersNews
Wine study is demanding but we at Wine Campus can help. Perhaps you are not a student at our wine academy but currently taking a different wine course elsewhere with the aim to enhance your wine appreciation or seeking career enhancement in the wine or hospitality sector. For those of you that got stuck in [...]

You say varietal, I say variety

September 30, 2016By Georges MeekersGrapes, Malta

Rummaging through the pages of a keepsake wine list of a long-forgotten Maltese restaurant with a three-colour charcoal drawing on the cover of a bottle of Pommard next to a pair of vermouth glasses, I realise how wine preferences have changed. Judging by the vintages and prices, the faded list must be about 50 years … Read More

Support our heritage vines

September 28, 2016By Georges MeekersGrapes, Malta, Wine

Recently, Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes was quoted saying that the unusual prolonged dry weather this year has not only caused a smaller than average grape crop but unfortunately even ruined several grape vine plants. His announcement of future government assistance in the replanting of vines and in particular the indigenous Girgentina and Ġellewża varieties seems … Read More