Wurzer ist mich das?

September 24, 2014By Georges MeekersTravel, Wine

What is this wine? It’s classy without that fat, mushy sweetness I dislike so much. In my glass I hold a lovely wine made at great expense and in such lilliputian quantities – as few as just 400 bottles – that hardly a drop will ever seep across the borders of the country where it comes … Read More

Early of Loon, wine from Belgium

May 10, 2014By Georges MeekersWine

  When you are holding a bottle made from a grape variety whose name isn’t exactly mentioned in the index of Wine Grapes, the industry’s 1200-page tome featuring 1368 different cultivars, you know you you have something rather eccentric in your hands. And, if that special bottle of wine comes from a small and sleepy medieval … Read More

Let Jan B.

November 30, 2013By Georges MeekersJudging

In my travels when I have found no answers, I discovered wonders and sometimes curiosities have come to me – like this gift bottle of Belgian wine. Yes, I had high hopes for this Cuvee Jan B. that originates from my hometown Borgloon in Haspengouw, Belgium, wishing it would be ever as delightful as that … Read More