Support our heritage vines

September 28, 2016By Georges MeekersGrapes, Malta, Wine

Recently, Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes was quoted saying that the unusual prolonged dry weather this year has not only caused a smaller than average grape crop but unfortunately even ruined several grape vine plants. His announcement of future government assistance in the replanting of vines and in particular the indigenous Girgentina and Ġellewża varieties seems … Read More


April 19, 2014By Georges MeekersMalta, Wine

There is something awesome about well-made red Ġellewża, that rare grape variety native to Malta, the tiniest wine producing country in the world located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. For long many a doubting Thomas thought it couldn’t be done. Many Maltese of the older generation still do of course. But, because they remember … Read More

Wine Grapes

November 26, 2012By Georges MeekersUncategorized

WINE GRAPES – A complete guide to 1368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavours, by Jancis Robinson, Julia Harding and Jose Vouillamoz My copy of the heavyweight tome ‘Wine Grapes’ arrived today and I can safely say that I have absolutely no buyer’s remorse. The reference book is colossally informative and comprehensive and worth … Read More