Gorgeous Garrigue in My Glass

February 10, 2017By Georges MeekersMalta, News

Alas, land is far from sacred in Malta and even linguistically it’s sometimes referred to harshly and contemptuously. Through the use of the word xagħri, which derives from the Arabic sahra for desert, we demote our garrigue, those few untouched patches of literally hundreds of different low-growing shrubs and rare indigenous plants, to useless land … Read More

Interesting Thymes

July 23, 2014By Georges MeekersTravel, Wine

In an island having little or no lush vegetation you would expect that the few patches of countryside that has remained untouched by urbanisation and which is home to literally hundreds of low-growing shrubs and rare indigenous plants would be treated with respect. Alas, no land is sacred in Malta and even linguistically, the Maltese … Read More