You Can Tell Georgia

April 6, 2014By Georges MeekersTravel, Wine

You can tell Georgia that my thinking is clear. As I browse and catalogue my tasting notes of wines from the strangest of places, it is easy to understand why… Drawing from memory, the remembrance of one wine in particular is very vivid. It is the Reserve Du Prince from Chateau Mukhrani made from Georgia’s native Saperavi by … Read More

Georgian Enchant Me Not

April 5, 2013By Georges MeekersWine

It was years ago, travelling off the beaten path in Moldava, a country where wine has been an inherent part of people’s lives for thousands of years, when I got my first taste of Rkatsiteli. I remember it as if it was yesterday but not because the dry white ferment was exceptionally good. In fact, … Read More