Eliademy: our new home!

September 5, 2016By Georges MeekersNews, Wine Campus

Wine Campus has got itself a new site (this one: www.winecampus.net) and, more importantly, we have moved all our online courses to a new platform. Read here in this post why the great people at Eliademy now take good care of your virtual classrooom.  

Veraison: grapes in full colour

August 5, 2016By Georges MeekersGastronomy, Wine

Malta’s vineyards are spattered with brightly-coloured dots in new shades of yellow and red hues peeping through leafy vine canopies ready to have their ripe crop picked. The vivid transformation from small green berries to fully-coloured grapes known as veraison (and pronounced ‘VEH-ray-zoh’) has come to an end. Adopted into English use, veraison is originally a French viticultural term meaning ‘the onset of grape ripening’ … Read More

Grasping Girgentina

July 22, 2016By Georges MeekersGastronomy, Wine

Just say ‘Girgentina’. The soft sibilance, the internal alliteration, the jovial completion, whether you give it the sharp English pronunciation or slowly ease off the word in Maltese, it’s a sound suggestive of heritage and, of course, wine.

Wine hacks for summer salads

June 26, 2016By Georges MeekersGastronomy, Wine

As a wine lover you may not be overly keen on a summer diet of salads for the simple reason that many a bowl of greens is often pretty unfriendly to your favourite drink. Luckily there are some hacks to appease the confrontation between tossed vegetables and the divine nectar.

Wine is a living thing

June 26, 2016By Georges MeekersGastronomy, Wine

Indeed, wine is a living thing. Since its discovery so many millennia ago, wine has fascinated many peoples and has been the subject of many changes. In fact, wine continues to change all the time.